Tuesday 12 January 2010

Welcome Aboard

I`m in England. I will be in England until May 1st, but I also hope to travel to other places between now and then. I left America on 7 January 2010 (check my dates ;]) and arrived on 8 January 2010 at what was 7.40 a.m. in GMT time. Needless to say, jet lag is my best friend. =}

The first couple of days have been rough. I`m acting and sleeping like an American and the time is kicking my butt. I can`t go to bed at 14.00 a.m. because that is normal to me knowing that it is SO early in America and so different here. The first couple days have also been rough because I`m trying to find my footing, but I`ve come with my normal ways (shy and not the first to approach), so it has been hard for me. I definitely felt alone and homesick for the first couple of days even through the smiles. I`m still trying to find my way, but everyone tells me to be patient.

So far, I haven`t gone far, only to town a few times (Ormskirk, Lancashire) but even that has been a fun experience. I also went out with people to pubs. O_o Considering I don`t drink, the first night was an experience and a half. Last nights events, however, definitely more than made up for it, although my jacket had alcohol spilled on it. Can't wait to really get into the groove of things, especially where sleep is concerned because school starts next Monday and I`m not nearly ready based off of the amount of sleep I`ve been getting.

I want to try to fit in, but I haven`t been branching out enough. Leave it up to this homebody and I`d probably stay in my room all the time if I weren`t in class or getting food. I need to sort my life out. lOl.. In the mean time, I`m extra tired in general, in addition to my night of dancing. =} I hope to have more good memories, pretty make up, and pictures to take. I`ll also post all of my pictures up later on (during normal hours for me).

Bonne nuit