Monday 22 March 2010

So far, so good


Let me start by saying that it is hard to write on this keyboard so if this comes out horribly, I do apologize. It has been a long while. I've been struggling and trying to adapt to school in the UK and it has been hard mostly because I procrastinate so much so I don't get enough of what I need to done. I've been doing pretty good academically, but I did get one bad grade so I'm going to have to kick it up into high gear reaaaaaal soon. Anywho... IT'S SPRING BREAK!!!

I'm in Nice, France and a few days ago I was in Geneva, Switzerland. Geneva had potential, but my friend and I weren't there long enough to truly get a feel for it and our hostel room smelled like "dead kittens drinking sweet, spoiled milk". It was all bad! lOl... The area was also really overpriced, which made it hard to handle. I ended up eating a snack wrap and had water that looked orange. No bueno. I was oh too happy to get out of that hostel honestly. Next stop, Nice, France.

Nice is beautiful. I will have to put pictures up soon because words aren't really enough to describe howbeautfiul this place is. I'll talk more in detail about Nice in the next post. Too tired to function right now.

Bonne nuit. :°)

Saturday 20 February 2010

HELLO!! Are you there?


I have been really behind! This post will be similar to my reg blog post, only in that I`ve been away from Blogger because I`ve been a bit behind on what I needed to do. Now that I`ve caught up, I`m going to relax for an hour or two and then set out to get ahead of the game. That`s my goal for the weekend :) I`m tired of being anxious and stressed throughout the week. I`m always stressed. Now it`s time to erase that. Anyway, nothing much is new. I went to Wales a while back, but never uploaded the pictures from that, so the next post will contain those pictures. I`ve had little outings here and there to the McDonald`s in town and such, but nothing spectacular really. =\ I`m going to have to change that a little, but all in due time.

Tuesday 9 February 2010

Much needed update!!


So my videos sort of work, but they`re on speed, it seems. That`s no fun. It has been a while since I`ve updated and it`s not necessarily because nothing has happened, but moreso because I`ve been running away from this task. I don`t want to do that anymore. I can`t run away from the things on my heart and the experience in front of me, especially if I make the statement over and over that I want to write.

This trip has been filled with ups and downs so far and it has already been a month. I`ve met people who only remember me when I`m in their face, I`ve met people who try to invite me and bring me out of my shell, and I`ve met people who I know have my back; but that`s how things typically are.

My mind has been all over the place, from struggles with feeling alone to struggles with my breakup to struggles with not knowing what to do with my future. Slowly, but surely, it's all falling into place. I've also decided that I will post vlogs on my main blog, but first post them on youtube! Scary business, but I`ll get there. :) I can`t live in fear forever, if I do, I`ll never truly see the world.

I`ll post pictures from Wales and my travels in Ormskirk later. For now, I have a lot of stuff to try to get through. <3

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Is there anyone out there??


I hope this works!!



I don`t think my vid post worked. I`ll try again later.

Here`s a post that I tried to add


I made this video sometime last week. It`s not the best. I`ll make another a little later tonight about my feelings about the trip so far. Any feelings in general will be on my regular blog.

Sunday 17 January 2010

Here are pictures from my day in Liverpool


I went to Liverpool on Saturday, so I took a few pictures, but I plan to go back soon!

That's all for now. I must go shower, so that I can run to the library and borrow books or something before they close. I have class starting tomorrow!! O_o I`ll be back later to blog and write and be creative. Maybe. Maybe I`m pushing it. =\

Some pictures from my trip so far


I'm only trying to include general pictures and not necessarily pictures of people. =} Hopefully, the pictures don`t start to lose their order. ={

The next post will be of the pix from my first trip to Liverpool! =}

Sometimes you must do the things that are out of your norm, the things that hurt, the things that are scary, just so that you can live or breathe or both.